Roger Johnson Retirement Reunion

Sign In

Are you among the people we're looking for, graduates of Millikan High School from the Class of 1969 into the mid-1970s who were instrumental musicians there? If so, even if you did not attend our gathering, please use the next page to "sign in", sending some contact information to our Webmaster so we can contact you if necessary and so we can put you in touch with the others in our group if you wish. See who's signed in so far!

Before you sign in, please read "What happens to your contact information", which explains how the contact information you submit will and will not be used. It also explains that you will receive a confirming email message to which you must respond in order to complete your sign-in.

When you follow the link below to go to the next page, you will be asked for a user name and password. This helps me control unauthorized use of the form. I appreciate your patience!

The user name is "guest". Don't include the quotemarks.

The password is eight characters: the lower-case letters v i s i t followed by the digits four five six

Go to the next page

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May 2006