Along the Highway
Nepenthe and Hawthorne vicinity
The vicinity of Nepenthe and Hawthorne is one of several clusters of businesses and services along Highway 1 just south of the Big Sur River Valley. Nepenthe is a popular restaurant (lunch and dinner) with a beautiful view of the ocean and hills. Cafe Kevah and Phoenix Gift Shop are on the same property. Some people say they sense an unusual relaxation or slowing of time here. There is a webcam overlooking Nepenthe's verandah. Hawthorne Gallery is on the east side of Highway 1 opposite the south end of Nepenthe's south access drive.
Activities, Facilities, and Services
- Restaurants - Food
- Cafe Kevah 831.667.2345
- Nepenthe 831.667.2345 / fax 831.667.2394
- Restrooms
- Telephone Services: public telephone
- Gift Shops and Galleries
- Hawthorne Gallery 831.667.3200 / fax 831.667.3202
- Phoenix 831.667.2347 / fax 831.667.2826
- Public Transit stop (seasonal)
- Scenic Vistas
- Marker: MON 43.9
- Ends:
- 28 miles (46 km) from N
- 60 miles (97 km) from S
- Geo: Lat N 36° 13.358 Lon W 121° 45.547
- Google map
- Aerial coastal photos
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